Search found 31 matches

by jammymutt
14 Aug 2017 18:06
Forum: Server Discussion
Topic: Share a new server admin rights and donate together
Replies: 0
Views: 119557

Share a new server admin rights and donate together

Ive played this game for a while liked it cam back , left it came back , I love it and cant get away from it but servers are so expensive. Does anyone want to share the costs of a server? Its $27 a month thats a lot !!! between 3 of us it can be cheaper, so does anyone want to do it with me? Add me ...
by jammymutt
09 Apr 2017 16:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Share a server?
Replies: 1
Views: 10324

Share a server?

Hi ,

Does anyone want to contribute towards a server? in return for admin rights?

I want to have my own server but cant afford so much outgoing every month.

Anyone up for it?

I hjave a TS3 server.
by jammymutt
09 Apr 2017 16:10
Forum: Server Discussion
Topic: How many servers?
Replies: 1
Views: 11337

How many servers?

How many companies provide servers?

Im thinking of getting one soon but im not sure who is the best one.
by jammymutt
01 Apr 2016 23:04
Forum: Server Discussion
Topic: New server PVE players and admin wanted
Replies: 0
Views: 4816

New server PVE players and admin wanted

I was playing on a server Admin were abusing powers and teleporting to steal from other players ( can name them via PM), Love the game,I knew the guys I had admin powers but didn't abuse them so decided to start my own server. Am Looking for players willing to contribute to the server via paypal in ...
by jammymutt
01 Apr 2016 22:51
Forum: Recruiting
Topic: Average player looking for people / group to play with
Replies: 5
Views: 13390

Average player looking for people / group to play with

Hi Father I have a server its very new im looking for players to join me on it, Im also looking for contributions to keep it running if anyone wants to Pm me if you would like to join up with me and one other guy so far.
by jammymutt
01 Apr 2016 22:49
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Recruiting part of forum
Replies: 3
Views: 5378

Recruiting part of forum

I have looked on the recruiting part of the forum and cant start a new topic is there a reason why I cant do this?.

I have just rented a new serverand am looking for players to start playing together.

by jammymutt
01 Apr 2016 22:46
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Formatted pc cant get Launcher to install
Replies: 2
Views: 4869

Formatted pc cant get Launcher to install

I tried that mate I even had the same problem on my old quad 4 which only has one drive and it wont w9ork there either win 7 win 10 it just will not work but thanks for the info , does it have to be installed in the same folder as A2 ?
by jammymutt
12 Mar 2016 12:17
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Origins Mod Launcher - Reporting Thread
Replies: 38
Views: 70534

Origins Mod Launcher - Reporting Thread

Cant get the launcher to install, I try to install it it tells me I need VC_Redist 1.png I get VC-Redist install it reboot then try to install the launcher 1.png I go back to step 1 no matter what I do it wont work Ive tried to uninstall VC_Redist reapir it , hit it with a hammer , kick the pc, kick...
by jammymutt
12 Mar 2016 12:09
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Formatted pc cant get Launcher to install
Replies: 2
Views: 4869

Formatted pc cant get Launcher to install

Please help im pulling what hair I have left out of my head !!! I had to format my pc, so got ewverything trunning sweet etc updated fantastice got A2 and A2OA all installed BE etc, then tried to install the launcher and it said I need VC_Redist X86 so I installed it, then I try to install the launc...
by jammymutt
23 Jan 2016 17:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Level 2 hero plans
Replies: 5
Views: 9237

Level 2 hero plans

Do they spawn on Ivan? i have killed about 20 Ivans and havent found any yet , is there a specific place for them to spwan?.