1. Server: View distance, grass and fog (if you know):
1400m, grass ( testing little without), no fog
2. Your cpu, gpu, os and refresh rate on monitor:
Intel 3570k@4,5,7970, Win7, 144hz
Ingame settings:
Texture detail: Very High
Video memory: Default
Anisotropic filtering: Very high with grass and OA trees. No grass or arma 2 trees: Have to change around somtimes to avoid flickering.
Antialiasing: Normal ( High with no grass and Arma 2 trees )
ATOC: Disabled with grass and Arma 2 trees. Looks better with Arma 2 trees and gives a 10 fps boost.
Terrain detail: Very high
Shadow detail: Very high ( Very high=gpu and all other cpu ) so Very High or off it is for me. Off I cant stand.
Object detail: High and very low around chopper crashes
HDR quality:Very high ( 8,16 or 32 bit ) Game looks so much better but it costs. Most important setting I think.
PPAA: Sharp filter very high with grass and OA trees ( no fps inpact ) Arma 2 trees and no grass ( fps inpact )
Postprocess effects: OFF so much it can be turned off.
Vsync: Disabled
Interface resolution: Same as my native display =100%
3D Resolution: Same as above
Starup parameters:
-nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxmem=2047 -noPause -malloc=System -noLogs -winxp
The best one for me was winxp. Would probably get the same results without half of them. But..placebo is also a tweak.
5. Registry tweaks:
C:\Users\your name\Documents\ArmA 2 / Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA cfg files/ open with notepad and changed three things.
GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; / GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; / Refresh to 120
The game runs better for some reason when I have 120hz instead of 144hz ( Changed my native also because of alt tabbing )
6. Other things that can help perfomance:
Biggest impact for me was steam. I had overlay turned on and logged in to friends when started steam.
Turned off overlay ( no fps counter

) and turned off logging in to freinds.
The new Crimson drivers helped alot. Playing with colour temperature and it feels like a new game
Low settings can lower my frames dramaticly. Noticed that you have to give some setting changes some time, before they take effect.
7. Your fps ( roughly ): 50-80 in towns ( same in forests ) Otherwise : 80+ ( HDR on very high and AA on high ) Im not changing rig!
Not chasing as high fps as possible, chasing great visuals and smooth gameplay.
8. When or where do you have the worst frames in Origins?:
Used to be Sabina but devs done something good about that. Worst is Alexander and Vlad.
Special hours and wheater combinations can reduce frames alot. Wish that admins could ( screenshot) weather settings and use the best ones.
Also think that admins should have 100% more weather options.
Other thougts:
I think you should be able to remove grass but NOT ( dunno english name) the yellow fields. In Kameni for example.
Allways smooth when running in them and they look very good. Keep them and remove all other and the city grass in Vlad and
Alexander instead.
Optimize Windows.. done some, but share what you did. Im not an computer expert of some sort. But many ( MANY) false
guides online how to optimize arma. That I know
