To all Zombiehunters, Heros, Bandits and Survivors...
We still search Player for our 30 Slot Origins Server.
Here some details:
Servername: The Last of Us
Server IP:
Database since: 08/24/2016
-Active Admins
-Server Events
-Random Wetter
-Changing Skillsystem (Changing every Week from Max Skills to SelfSkill *cloud*)
-Random Startgear
-PvE and PvP Areas
-Humanity for BotKills
-Vehicle Lock everywhere
-Active Trader Island
-Random Air Patrol
-server runtime is guaranteed
-Random KI on Missions, who spawn every 31mins
to the Rules:
-PvP only on the Big Southwest and Northwest Islands
-No Voice in Side- & Global Channel (Blue&Grey)
-Vehicles are no Bombs
-Thiefs can be shot in PvE areas (sample: some will steal your car or gear)
-Using the EILSC (Hack) Tool is forbidden
-not to forget the Rules: No Hacks and no Duping
Join us also on Facebook "Dayz Origins: The Last of Us Server" and/or our Website: