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First Aid box - wallmounted

Posted: 05 Oct 2016 15:44
by Thomas Sullivan Magnum
In addition to my idea for a vending machine for a house, why not also add a First aid/medic box to be added to the wall of a house. Again, this will help with the storage shortage but also allow for us to sort our items easier. You could add specifics such as needing screws to mount it.

First Aid box - wallmounted

Posted: 05 Oct 2016 16:19
by Malau
You're onto something here, I like the idea of being able to sort your gear out by storing it inside different things.
I just found the 'LIKE' button. I will use it more often now.

First Aid box - wallmounted

Posted: 05 Oct 2016 16:20
by Thomas Sullivan Magnum
Thanks Malau, yes, it definitely would have its uses. I remember when I had 6 urals for storage and 6 storage boxes but couldnt think where anything was.