Alternative Skill System - Your Thoughts

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Alternative Skill System - Your Thoughts

Post by Vyl »

What if the required achievements for each level were vastly reduced, for instances 4 wheels for 1.1 mechanic, but the catch been your skills are reset each time you die. This way it's much more straight forward to get on your feet and moving in terms of medical/mechanic skills but death holds a much greater consequence. As a result books would need a higher spawn rate, perhaps 3 dropping in a stack instead of 1, and now there would be an incentive to collect multiple copies of each one.
Thomas Sullivan Magnum
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Alternative Skill System - Your Thoughts

Post by Thomas Sullivan Magnum »

I kind of like the idea. I like the current method but feels it needs a tweak or two and something like this fits the bill. 4 seems a bit light but yes I think if you die you should lose your skills/lose some of the %age of skills you have gained as you are effectively a new person aren't you.

If I knew how many books there are out there I could say whether the spawn rate needed to increase or not but as of yet I dont so I cant say.
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Alternative Skill System - Your Thoughts

Post by tripiz »

You can see all books if you press F1 and Help.
Thomas Sullivan Magnum
Posts: 588
Joined: 27 Jul 2015 15:32

Alternative Skill System - Your Thoughts

Post by Thomas Sullivan Magnum »

It lists all of the book available in game?

I never knew that, I use F1 to see my progress, never knew it lists all of the books - Ill check later when Im home.

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