UPDATE on 1.8 status?

General discussion about the Mod.
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by Garberro »

Hannibal wrote:What you guys are doing while waiting for the patch?
Try to play on INT with falling the server every third restart and black screens through which you have to wait for the next restart to again play
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by spuduk3 »

origins mods officials or devs or what you want to call are now threatening to ban people from their facebook page for asking for a release date or writing angry comments, this one person will admit to sarcastic comment some slightly cheeky adult type humour but not rude or angry comments. if they are going to ban people for giving helpful advice ie like suggesting handling coming soon bettter they will have not many likes on theirfbook page soon. so basically only tell them how good they are, how excentall they are handling the coming soon marathon and you should be fine
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Joined: 08 Aug 2014 16:01

UPDATE on 1.8 status?


I know many people that have been banned from posting comments on the fb page, and the comments that were posted were not negative in anyway and it was also not asking them for information!!
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by spuduk3 »

this was was they wrote about mentioning the ban
You have never given us any constructive criticism. The definition of constructive criticism is:

“Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve the outcome.”

Not I don't like this do this and give me a release date or I'm gonna post angry comments in your comments section. You will get banned if you don't stop soon.

this was his reply to the above comment
if you read back on my comments i have never asked for a release date, i have given constructive criticism about the way all this teaser stuff has been handled since may and lots more people have said much worse things than what i have said
most of his comments have been sarcastic not rude or angry, basically they are threatening someone with a ban if they down bow down and kiss their backside
Thomas Sullivan Magnum
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by Thomas Sullivan Magnum »

Learning Dayz Origins, watching some Anime and generally wasting money on pc components I really didnt need... i.e. Razer Chroma Black Widow Stealth keyboard and Kraken Chroma headset.

I dont get a lot of gaming time these days with a family but I still make time for Days when my wife and daughter go to bed
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by spuduk3 »

the mods have threatened to ban me from their facebook page for alledying telling them how to run their mod lying on their page meaking threatening statements, i have never threatened them at all never lied on there, have made quite a few sarcastic comments about the length the time of time the teaser drap has been going on and made a couple of suggestions on how maybe they should have handled it, do you think they are being very professional( i know its not their fulltime job)bascially they are threatening to ban anyone who says aything against them even if its done in a correct manner
Posts: 154
Joined: 08 Aug 2014 16:01

UPDATE on 1.8 status?


Hannibal wrote:I do not care for the delay already returned rust play to pass the time ..
My stronghold is there ..... waiting for the pacth...
I just really wanted a weekly feedback :?: does not think it's asking too much
your stronghold is waiting for you?? If the severs have to be wiped then you will have no stronghold!
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by Hannibal »

Hannibal wrote:I do not care for the delay already returned rust play to pass the time ..
My stronghold is there ..... waiting for the pacth...
I just really wanted a weekly feedback :?: does not think it's asking too much
your stronghold is waiting for you?? If the severs have to be wiped then you will have no stronghold!
already stopped playing ... I'm playing company of heroes 2
Posts: 128
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by spuduk3 »

i even sugested doing a weekly update on how they were progressing with the mod as well, instead of all of the teaser pics,
think they are sugessting a server wipe as a possiblity as the new update is alledgely huge and it might be easier if the server has been wiped, think it is going to be up up to each server admin
Posts: 42
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UPDATE on 1.8 status?

Post by Zidane9Z »

spuduk3 wrote:i even sugested doing a weekly update on how they were progressing with the mod as well, instead of all of the teaser pics,
think they are sugessting a server wipe as a possiblity as the new update is alledgely huge and it might be easier if the server has been wiped, think it is going to be up up to each server admin
This is what i asked for as well. We've been asking for weekly updates, for some actual information instead of screenshots, all this has been ignored. When you criticize them for doing this, posting screenshots of "coming soon" for the past 5 months and not giving us any actual information, they threaten to ban you.

You're going to have to ban the whole community soon, that has been HERE FOR PAST 3 YEARS SUPPORTING YOUR MOD LOYALLY WHEN OTHERS GAVE UP ON THE MOD. We never gave up, EVEN IN THE TIMES when gamersplatoon dropped origins and origins seemed to have no future, just keep that in mind devs.

The real question is, WHEN will someone in the dev team step up and make the whole dev team realize, that the community deserves better than this and we can't treat them how we want. Hopefully someone will do it.
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