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1.8 first impression

Posted: 22 Oct 2015 00:23
by Clay
I have been playing Dayz Origins on and off for around 2 or 3 years now and I think that 1.8 has been the best patch so far.
This game feels more like a survival game again and there is alot more to do than before.

I really like how they reworked the loot spawns, it feels alot better than before in my opinion. The new part of the map looks awesome and adds a few interesting spots to look for gear. The skill system is a little too grindy as mentioned before, but apart from that I think it's a really good addition to the game.

I would like some more transparency regarding the skill system tho, I like to find things out myself but the skill system seems a bit confusing. Is there a cooldown on when you can gain experience again? I think this should be explained under the "Help" page of the skill system, otherwise people will just waste all their materials without gaining any experience.

The getting stuck on bridges with your vehicles bug seems annoying although it didn't happen to me so far, I hope it's getting fixed soon.

All in all I really like the new patch and want to thank the Dayz Origins Team for their awesome work.

Dayz Origins is hands down, the best Mod ever made for Dayz. I think it's unfortunate that this game lost so much of it's popularity after that shit with gamersplatoon and bohemia, I really hope this Mod will become more popular again and I am looking forward to the next patch!

Just my 2 cents :)

1.8 first impression

Posted: 22 Oct 2015 06:37
by Brummel Reloaded
Finally, after a couple of days i must say i like this update! I just opened a new PVE Server on the last Weekend and play there with some friends. They also like this new update. Good job devs, and thank you very much for the big new content and your ability to give us a new great challenge! Sorry for my bad english...

And still remember: Survival is just the beginning... 8-)

1.8 first impression

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 01:20
by Eule
amazing, well at least some people tried to wage between their positive and negative impressions and put them together in a post and some simply cried their ass off... but so did this one "positive" post ure all quoting. Kinda great deal to blame the negative guys for "crying", when the whole essence of THIS one post does exactly the same. While every change or update brings positive AND negative aspects as it is only natural, most of you dont see what some people blame generally: not the changes in detail, but how the gameplay has changed from "i log in with friends, we fix car 1h then go looking for fun 1-2h and thats our evening" to "i dont find the right wheel for 2 h, i dont find much action cuz there are no cars or copters coming by". The game needed more detail, but this state now is out of balance between the two extremes of hardcore survival and action/pvp. I personally still like this update, but it is just not that playable for me and my friends as it used to be and i am not (willing)able to spend so much more time to get to the fun part (for me). of course there are many PVE guys or newbies(dont mean that negative!) who really appreciate this update wholeheartedly, but you may notice mainly on the big servers that theres a great deal of players feeling the same way (and hence being not online, int005 sometimes 40-50 on prime time)
and as someone mentioned before, a bit more transparency regarding aspects like loot spawn or skills would only be fair, since i guess there are a lot of normal ppl who know exactly how it works, due to good connections... :)