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Base Building Competition

Posted: 26 Mar 2016 17:34
by Miggs

After watching the most recent Youtube Vid of the Taviana Tactical server admin revealing the positions of everyone's houses/base and seeing some pretty interesting ones it got me thinking... How about a base building competition???

Obviously some servers/players are newer than others which gives people with houses already built an advantage. With that said I thought if it was over the course of a 2-3 month period it would make the competitive balance more aligned.

How to enter:

Simply upload a video for the community to view and render judgement by the proposed entry deadline (Beginning of June/July?)

Judging aspects:

* Size
* Location
* Creativity
* WOW Factor


* Official title of best base builder(s) on Dayz Origins
* A "that a boy" thumbs up

Really hard to give any notable prizes as everyone is on different servers, but hey it still good be fun right?

Is there any interest in this at all? Anxious for any/all feedback.

Base Building Competition

Posted: 27 Mar 2016 13:09
by osi1
Fantastic idea :mrgreen:

But as a addition to the judging aspect:
-Number of players who participated, otherwise it would be hard to evaluate the size
-security, how difficult is it to camp the base, near mountains to be sniped from,....
-special features :twisted:

Base Building Competition

Posted: 27 Mar 2016 16:29
by Miggs
Great points Osi. With so many clans coming and going the #'s of players is hard to quantify at times. As an example we have 5 people in the clan but two of them haven't "played" in months. In addition when in comes to building (walls etc.) I am really the only member of the clan that does that part. So while we have 5 people only 1 or 2 really do all the work! lol

I wonder if the devs would consider sponsoring something like this? Perhaps get an achievement (whatever happened to the them? Wasn't their supposed to be some released in a patch?) or a special blueprint for a structure? Now that would be freaking awesome!! :D