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Female Outfits

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 18:56
by 大王EMPerrorᕦ(¬‿¬)ᕤ
I can't believe this hasn't been asked. But where are the female outfits?
So far I've seen only one and that's probably from a character that was created before the clothing update.

Female Outfits

Posted: 12 Apr 2016 17:08
by Thomas Sullivan Magnum
All the food shops have many unisex and womens clothing inlcuding high heels :P

They are around, you just have to hunt for them.

Female Outfits

Posted: 13 Apr 2016 09:22
by andex
i think he is talking about all in one outfits.
and he might be right, all the outfits seem to be male outfits.

i can imagine that they are unisex skins.
if you put on "survivor clothing Var.1" as a male it is this:

but for a female its this skin:

I never tried, i dont play female chars anymore due to heavy breathing,
so i cant confirm or disprove.

edit: thats wrong, no unisex skins. we need female all-in-one skins pls

Female Outfits

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 16:49
by Miz Murder
Can confirm there are no female all-in-one skins in the 300+ hours I've played since the clothing update. The only all in one skin I can get is the stronghold clan outfit, which is the lamest outfit of all time. Bring back the bandit chick outfits!

Female Outfits

Posted: 30 Aug 2016 15:35
by klosiklosi
found today bandit girl outfit Var. 6 in mission "piece of the convoy"

Female Outfits

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 00:18
by Miz Murder
Yesterday we found a Hero Girl outfit 2 v3 in Plane Down mission. Hopefully they added them in with the update! :D Maybe soon I will find Bandit skins...!